Writing Authority Connector for Apache ManifoldCF
My interest in Apache ManifoldCF
has been growing, this time I decided to spend some time on writing about the
an Authority connector for ManifoldCF, writing an authority connector is pretty much
the same as repository connector, but it aim of a such connector is to retrieve
some token values for the user against the repository. One thing to keep remember about some default
assumptions made by the ManifoldCF framework, that is, if you don’t specify any
authority connector for your repository connector Manifold assumes by default
it is Active Directory in charge, hence for these cases access token Active
Directory SID. A more complete description is available here.
Security Model
How does ManifoldCF uses the
authority connector? Framework will invoke all the authority connectors that are
configured in ManifoldCF, and retrieve the tokens against each of those repositories.
When you invoke the authority service which is available at http://<host>:8345/mcf-authority-service/UserACLs
location it will scrap all the tokens against these repos. Let say you have following authority
connectors configured, JIRAAuthorityConnector,
ActiveDirectoryAuthorityConnector, LDAPAuthorityConnector and if you pass a
username to retrieve the relevant tokens, authority connectors which understand
this username will return the access tokens for that username. Finally all these
tokens amalgamated and return as json. More over there is something called
authority groups, when you create an authority connector you have to create it
under a authority group, and a authority connector will belong to only one
authority group. This allows some separation, means that token are valid only
within the group. For the complete
understanding of how the ManifoldCF works, it is described in following location
which is pretty good explanatory.
Ok, how can you get the access
tokens for the user/username. it can be invoked from following http://localhost:8345/mcf-authority-service/UserACLs?username=
leagueofshadows, and it will return tokens either in form of access tokens or
deny tokens, if both present deny token will win over any access tokens
AUTHORIZED:amazons3 TOKEN:myauthoritygroup:kuhajeyan
Overview of writing a authority connector.
So typically you would start
extending from base connector org.apache.manifoldcf.authorities.authorities.BaseAuthorityConnector,
so as it was about implementing/overriding some methods with repository
connector there are few methods which you may have implement, flowingly
What it should do
Obtain the authorization
response, given a user name
Output the head-section part of
an authority connection ConfigParams editing page
Output the body-section part of
an authority connection ConfigParams editing page
Receive and process form data
from an authority connection ConfigParams editing page
Output the viewing HTML for an
authority connection ConfigParams object
Connect – Some connection key
values are initialized here.
Check – This will periodically
check the, connection status. Some meaningful readable string is returned to
inform the user/admin about the connection status at an instance.
isConnected – will return a
boolean telling if the connection is alive or otherwise.
viewConfiguration – will be
called when body of configuration page is displayed
outputConfigurationHeader – will be
called in the header section of configuration page
outputConfigurationBody – will be
called in body section of configuration page, but difference is that, this will
be called when configuration is saved and posted
processConfigurationPost – will be
called to process when configuration is posted
getAuthorizationResponse – Get the
access token for a username against the repository
getDefaultAuthorizationResponse –
Gets the default access token for the repository
Mainly we need to look into the implementation
of getAuthorizationResponse here, returning the access token and how you want
the tokens to be formatted (but it should be finally a string array) is solely
dependent on your preference. A typical very simplem implementation would look
like this
public AuthorizationResponse
getAuthorizationResponse(String userName)
throws ManifoldCFException {
if (checkUserExists(userName))
return new AuthorizationResponse(new String[] { userName },
A fully implemented version of
code is available at this location
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